Band & Orchestra Info

Dear Parents and Guardians,

With great excitement I hereby invite your student(s) to be a part of our new band and strings program at Holy Cross! It is going to be an extremely musical year at Holy Cross, and I hope that this letter will help you understand how the band program will unfold over the course of the next few months.

The musical opportunities for your student will ramp up every year starting in 1st and 2nd grade with the brand new “Cherub Music Club.” This is an after school club where the students are treated as an ensemble like they would in a band or choir class. We will work on developing instrument technique on a variety of instruments: percussion, handbells, recorder, tiny violins, the human voice, etc. The intention is that students will get experience in an ensemble when beginning band is available in 3rd grade. Cherub Music Club will be on Wednesdays from 3 PM until 3:30 PM. The dues are $50 per semester and will go towards acquiring and maintaining instruments for the club. Pay through FACTS or check (Payable to Holy Cross School).

Starting in 3rd grade, students will be able to join the “Beginning Band.” This is a traditional band ensemble where the students will master one instrument. Students will receive a weekly private lesson with like instruments and skill levels, and participate in weekly rehearsals, all during school. There are no dues to pay to be in Beginning Band, but parents are responsible for instrument rentals (detailed below), some maintenance supplies (detailed below), and concert dress (TBD).

Coming in the spring, students who have really taken to their instruments will be able to audition to be in “Concert Band.” The requirements to be in this ensemble will be determined after I get to know the kids in Beginning Band. I predict that most 3rd and 4th graders will remain in Beginning Band, while 5th and 6th will need to work hard to make it to Concert Band. The dues and weekly routine is the same for this band.

There are so many details to go over, but I hope this gives you a good idea. A few small things to keep in mind:

  • Violins and other stringed instruments will be welcome in every ensemble. If we get enough we will separate into an orchestra!

  • Beginning Band and Advanced Band sign ups will take place during regular music class.

  • Instrument assignment is the hardest part of this process. I will try to be as fair as possible, there are so many things to consider! My basic philosophy: the best indicator of student success on an instrument is if they like to play their instrument.

  • This is an exciting time to be at Holy Cross! Thank you for the opportunity to work with your students. If you have any questions please email me at




Students in grades 1st-2nd, Cherub Music Club | download flyer

Students in grades 3rd-4th, beginning band, some concert band | download flyer

Students in grade 5th-6th, concert band, some beginning band | download flyer

Band Sign Up and Instrument Selection

While getting to know the talented students of Holy Cross in our general music classes, I will host an instrument petting zoo during music class. After this, students will be able to choose their top 3 choices of instrument. I will do my best to give student’s their first choice, but some instruments are more popular than others. By September 27th, your student will come home with a signed instrument assignment card with instructions on what to do next. Act quickly! Band will begin on October 7th!


Every student is expected to practice every day. A day without practicing is 3 days of past progress lost (especially brass instruments). We will go over how to practice during class. Try to find a time in your family’s daily routine where your student can practice with a clear head (not worrying about being too loud or rushing). I will assign and collect practice logs as needed throughout the school year. I will keep my own practice log on my classroom wall so students know that I practice too. Practice, practice practice!


Just like a sports team, band students need to be at every practice. When it is time for the concert, every student is required to attend. Please mark your calendars with the dates on the back of the Welcome Back packet. Keep an eye on your email for announcements about when the band is performing, there might be a concert added.

Instruments, Supplies and Equipment:

Students and families are responsible for renting or acquiring the student’s instrument. You can rent online at Music and Arts linked below. Please do not rent any instruments for your student until they come home with a signed instrument assignment card from me.

If your family already owns a particular instrument, please let me know via email and there is an extremely good chance that they will be assigned that instrument! Please be careful when getting instruments, if something feels wrong just send me an email and I will assist you. (e.g. It’s the alto saxophone not the tenor saxophone!)

How to Purchase and Rent

Click the box that says ‘Let’s Go’ to rent your instrument. Type in “Holy Cross School Dewitt”. The students do not need to purchase a stand to be in band, but they do need to have an instrument tag of some sort. The rentals start at $195 for 10 months, but some instruments are more expensive (alto saxophone). I will do as many repairs as I can, but some things are beyond my skill level. The parent or guardian will be responsible for any repairs that I can’t manage.


All supplies listed can be purchased at the Music and Arts store or on Amazon. If you are confused or concerned just send me an email: 

Individual Instrument Supplies 

Some instruments may come with supplies. Please make sure that you replace these supplies should they run out. 

Band students are expected to come to class prepared every day. Prepared means that you come with the following items on lesson and rehearsal days:

  • Your instrument 

  • Your band book and any sheet music that has been assigned to you. 

  • A pencil

  • Tuner (any brass or woodwind student should have their tuner on while they are practicing!)

Keep at home:

  • Metronome (for keeping steady time)

  • TBD concert dress


  • Standard of Excellence Band Method Book (book 1)

  • Flute cleaning kit (cleaning rod(usually comes in the flute case), soft cloth) 

  • (optional) Polishing cloth 

Clarinet and Saxophone:

  • Standard of Excellence Band Method Book (book 1) 

  • Swab 

  • Cork grease

  • Soft cloth 

  • Clarinet reed (reeds come in different thicknesses. Beginners should start with a #2) 


  • Standard of Excellence Band Method Book (book 1)

  • Valve oil (I recommend “blue juice” but any kind will do) 

  • Slide grease 

  • Cleaning snake for trumpets 

  • Soft cloth 


  • Standard of Excellence Band Method Book (book 1) 

  • Slide grease (for the tuning slide)

  • Cleaning snake for Trombone 

  • Soft cloth

  • Small (small enough to fit in the case) spray bottle 

  • Slide Lubricant (such as Slide-O-Mix, Super Slick, or Trombonite) 


  • Standard of Excellence Band Method Book (book 1) 

  • Vic Firth Drum Sticks - General SD1


  • Essential Elements book 1

  • Shoulder Rest

  • Rosin


  • Essential Elements book 1

  • Shoulder Rest

  • Rosin


Special person Day


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