PTO Minutes



Attendees: H. Alkhouri, J. Brown, L. Cadaret, T. Clark, A. Donnelly, N. Dreis, K. Eberline, A. Ferro, R. McLoughlin, D. Messina, M. Musolino, M. Paulus, M. Pfeiffer, C. Rachetta, K. Shetsky, J. Stach, M. Thurston, N. Walters, T. A. Ware, Waters, J. Wilber

Meeting Called to Order: 6:33 pm

Opening Prayer: Nina Walters

Approval of September 2024 Minutes: 1st M. Paulus, 2nd M. Musolino

Principal’s Report (N. Walters): Everything is going well. One issue is that we need volunteers for after school activities. If your child is in one, we ask that you volunteer for at least one week. Thank you to those who have already helped. We need volunteers if we’re going to have clubs. We always need at least two adults that are Virtus-trained. You can find the link to sign-up in the Sunday email.

Pastor’s Report (Fr. J. Kurgan): Not present.

Treasurer's Report (J. Stach): An updated copy of the expense-portion of the budget has been provided. It reflects through September 30th. We started October with $87,595.84 in checking account. We are down lower than last year because the “Raise Your Paddle” money from last year’s auction was transferred out to help pay for security projects. Also, we redid the mulch this year, added playground equipment for the younger kids, and teachers dipped into their “Wish List” money. Money is now starting to come in for events, such as Ice Cream Day. As we start to get into class parties and events, there’s a form on the website for reimbursement. Please fill out and hand in; money will be reimbursed as soon as possible.

President's Report (M. Borer): N/A

Past Business

After School Activities (T. Clark): Activities are up and running. Again, please be sure to help volunteer, if possible.

Curriculum Night (M. Borer): The event was very well attended. The speaker was wonderful and will be returning fur future events.

Spirit Sale (M. Borer): The sale just closed. Thank you to those that ordered; we sold about 280 items. We should make about $1,400 from this fundraiser. The originally guaranteed date was end of November, but Holy Shirt! will try to bump that up to October.

Book Fair (T. Clark): The book fair is underway. It looks fantastic and the kids are having fun. They are purchasing a lot! Thank you to everyone that has helped. It has been a great experience for the kids. M. Musolino thanked parents for purchasing items for the classrooms.

Holy Cross Fall Festival (M. Borer): Thank you to those that attended. The Church did an amazing job with the food and activities. If you missed it, you should try to come next year. Thank you to Fr. Kurgan for an amazing event.

Current Business

By-law Proposed Amendment Updates (M. Borer): There are a few changes we would like to propose to the bylaws. First, the Treasurer will be the school’s Administrative Assistant and receive a $2,000 stipend each year. That being said, there will be no nomination for Treasurer. The Vice President will be the Volunteer Coordinator. Room Parent guidelines were simplified to be clearer and more concise. Please review; we will be voting for approval next month.

Room Parent Guidelines and Meeting Recap (M. Borer): We had a meeting at 6:00 pm. Thank you to those that attended. We reviewed what the year will look like. Room Parents will be reaching out to other parents providing information on class parties and other pertinent information.

Special Friends Day (T. Clark): Almost every child is registered with a guest for tomorrow’s event. Expecting about 180 guests. They are invited to 9:15 am mass and should go right to church. Students will sit with their classes and guests will sit in the back of the church. Everyone will report to the gym afterward and meet their guests. There will be name tags for all guests, who will check in at the appropriate grade-level table. Everyone will be in the gym until about 10:30 am. There will be a slideshow and refreshments. Nina will give a welcome to guests, then they will be dismissed to go with their students to the classrooms. Each classroom will have something different going on. They can tour the school with their student. The Book Fair will be open, but guests should experience the classroom and visit this at the end. The Book Fair will be open until people are done shopping.

J. Stach added that students can leave with the special person at 11:00 am, but need to let the teacher know and sign out in the classroom.

M. Borer added that tomorrow is also the first teacher luncheon. It’s a great way to show appreciation and thank the teachers. Tomorrow’s lunch will be from King David’s; the family is part of our school community. If you know of a restaurant that we should use for a future luncheon, please reach out to anyone on the PTO.

Blessing of the Pets (N. Walters): This event has been moved to Monday, October 7th at 8:30 am. The school will start with morning prayer in the gym, then relocate to the parking lot. Fr. Kurgan will do a special blessing. It will not take more than 10 minutes. If your pet can’t come, students can bring a picture of their pet or a stuffed animal.

Caring Crusaders (T. Clark): The first meeting was wonderful. Almost all of the 5th and 6th grade students are participating. The diaper drive just concluded. Thank you for all donations. The founder of CNY Diaper Bank came and spoke to students, which was wonderful. We are trying to schedule a date for kids to go to their location facility and help package diapers. Next meeting is Wednesday, October 9th. Students will tally how many families were helped with diapers and brainstorm additional events for the year. Teachers would like to incorporate the activities into their classroom studies. If any parents have ideas or connections for future events, send proposals to Taylor Clark (

Halloween Events (M. Borer): All Halloween events will be on 30th and 31st this year. We are not omitting anything; just packaging a little bit differently. The 30th will be Trunk or Treat and Halloween Howl combined. Parents can set up trunks around 4:30/5:00 pm. Kids will walk around at 5:30 pm and get candy, then relocate into gym and have the Halloween Howl. It will be smaller – pizza, refreshments, candy, music. A committee is being assembled. Halloween will be our annual parade at 9:30 am, followed by class parties and the costume contest. It is a half day, so it will be short.

Committee and Event Volunteer Opportunities (M. Borer): If there’s anything that you’re interested in getting involved with, please feel free to reach out. We are always looking for more help.

Auction (M. Borer): The event is scheduled for Saturday, May 17th. Committee meetings will begin in November and be held once a month; the times will vary to give everyone an opportunity to attend. The event will be co-chaired by Katie Kilmartin and Michelle DeKay. There are many ways to help - decorations, sponsorship, solicitation, 50/50 raffle. The event is for adults only; it is a fun night out. It will be held in the gym. If you’re interested in joining the committee, please reach out to Katie ( or Michelle (

Parochial Basketball / Cheerleading Introduction (M. Borer): An introduction meeting will be held on November 12th (October 24th). We will talk about teams and how the season will be laid out. We will need coaches and volunteers. Cheerleading is kindergarten through 6th grade. Basketball teams depend on interest and class sizes.

The Pep Rally will take place in December. The cheerleaders will do a little number. We are looking for cheerleading coaches.

We will need volunteers to help with concessions.

The league runs through the beginning of March. There will be a sports banquet at the end.

Looking Forward (J. Stach): There is a massive call for volunteers for the Christmas Spirit Sale. We will need gifts, as well as volunteers to help shoppers and wrapping gifts. Everyone pays the same amount to shop and gets ten tickets to shop. About 75% of proceeds go to Road to Emmaus Ministry of Syracuse.

Open Forum

M. Musolino – This year’s musical will be announced at the Halloween parade. There will be a Parent meeting to be end of November. Registration forms will be due the first week of December; auditions will follow. There will be 50 spots available for 2nd through 6th grade. It will be a rolling admission, starting with 6th grade. This is the best way to make it fair. Rehearsals to start in January. The show will be March 20th and 21st.

Motion to Adjourn: 1st M. Musolino, 2nd M. Paulus

Meeting Adjourned: 7:25 pm

Meeting minutes respectfully submitted by Kate Eberline.

Next meeting: Thursday, November 7th at 6:30 pm


PTO Minutes


Cheer Team