PTO Minutes


MEETING MINUTES – January 14, 2025

Attendees: N. Augunas, M. Borer, J. Brown, T. Clark, E. Congel, A. Donnelly, K. Eberline, Fr. J. Kurgan, K. Searing, J.

Stach, N. Walters

Meeting Called to Order: 6:36 PM

Opening Prayer: Fr. J. Kurgan

Approval of December 2024 Minutes: 1st A. Donnelly, 2nd. J. Brown

Principal’s Report (N. Walters): The donor tree is up in the foyer. It was very important to honor those that gave to this project. Holy Cross will continue to offer the chance for families to be represented on the donor tree at this year’s auction or any other donations toward are ongoing security are welcome and acknowledged. The Spelling Bee was a success. Sam Massa, Weston Garner, Chloe Jakim, and Brayden Congel were top finalists and will be moving on to the regional qualifier. All contestants did very well, and we are proud of all 20 finalists. There have been some changes with the specifics of the upcoming play. Mrs. Dunlap has had to back out of directing. She was originally asked to take over for Mr. M., but she has a work conflict that cannot be changed. Ms. Knapp will still be the choreographer and Mr. Lynch, who has an extensive history with musical theatre, has agreed to step in. If there is a parent that has experience with drama or musicals and would like to help, we welcome the support for the acting end of things.

Pastor’s Report (Fr. J. Kurgan): The year has been going very well so far. There have been a couple of bumps, but the school has been able to successfully deal with them. The comments about how the school has handled Mr. M.’s personal leave have been positive. It is wonderful that the children have been able to transition back to one of the more experienced teachers. We are very gracious that Monica has come back to help us. Parishioners continue to ask about how they can donate toward the school. They will be able to donate and be added to the donor tree.

We are excited to have Bishop Lucia attend Red and White Games. The kids always seem very happy to be at Holy Cross, and this is not the case with many schools.

Treasurer's Report (J. Stach): Current amount in account is $96,067.60. Income for December was the musical registration fee. The 50/50 auction raffle tickets are starting to come in. Expenses included Christmas gifts for the staff. Everything has come in under budget this year. People are very conscious of the budgets. We also have very generous families that donate and do not request reimbursement.

Past Business

Christmas Shoppes (J. Stach): We raised approximately $1,500 for Emmaus Ministry. There were many volunteers this year, which was wonderful. Comments about the event were very positive. Kelly Shetsky and Niki Dreis will take over as co-chairs next year.

Christmas Concert (N. Walters): The concert was beautiful. The children did a wonderful job. It would be nice to have the livestream feed on one of the altar televisions so people can see better. Some people missed individual classes having their own songs; maybe that could be incorporated into the nativity play next year.

Christmas Teacher Luncheon / Class Parties / Staff Gift Collection (M. Borer): Teachers enjoyed lunch from Francesca’s while parents watched the students. The class parties went well. The staff collection was a major success. Thank you so much to those that donated and the individuals that took the time to help collect the money and separate it for each staff member.

Spelling Bee (N. Walters): It was much more organized this year. The students seemed to take it very seriously and obviously studied.

Basketball Games & Concession (K. Eberline): The season is going well, and the players seem to be having a lot of fun. We need more volunteers for the concession stand. It would be helpful if every family could cover at least one shift. You can do it during a game that your child doesn’t play in so you don’t miss anything. The link to sign up is here: Holy Cross School: Parochial Basketball Concession Stand Volunteers. After the last basketball game on Sundays, it would be helpful if a couple of people stayed to help put away the concession stand and scoring equipment and clean up the mess.

Current Business

Catholic Schools Week (M. Borer): The schedule will be going home with students in the coming days.

Caring Crusaders (T. Clark): The family that received Christmas gifts was overwhelmed with joy. Thank you to everyone that donated. There are many fun activities planned for spring.

Auction (A. Donnelly): Raffle tickets have gone out. There will be incentives and prizes for those that sell the most tickets. If you do not plan to use your tickets, please return them to the school so that they can be reused. You can also buy raffle tickets online. There will be a solicitation meeting on Monday, January 20th. Committee members will be stuffing envelopes and talking about solicitation and sponsorship. If anyone wants to help deliver letters or knows a business to ask for a donation, please contact one of the committee chairs (Katie Kilmartin or Michelle DeKay). There is a spreadsheet that tracks what businesses have been asked to ensure they are not solicited more than once.

Valentine’s Day Parties (M. Borer): The Valentine Ball, traditionally held on the Friday night before the holiday, has been changed to during the school day. This will be in place of class parties and include games, crafts, music, and desserts. Students are welcome to dress up. Maria Thurston is heading up the committee; room parents are to help plan and execute.

Sports Banquet (N. Walters): Scheduled for Sunday, March 2nd in the gymnasium, immediately following 10:30 am Mass. It will be a breakfast buffet and brief award ceremony.

Trivia Night (M. Borer): Scheduled for Thursday, March 27th. This event is for adults only. People will form teams and bring their own food and drink. It will be something fun and different.

Taste of Holy Cross (M. Borer): Scheduled for Thursday, March 13th. More information to come.

“Alice in Wonderland” Musical (N. Walters): The dates have been changed to Thursday, June 5th at 5:00 pm and Friday, June 6th at 7:00 pm. There is also a school production for classmates to enjoy.

Book Fair (J. Stach): Ignatius Book Fair scheduled for Saturday, March 29th through Wednesday, April 2nd. Good gifts for Easter.

Spring After-school Activities (T. Clark): Please reach out with ideas for spring extracurriculars. We are looking for new and different activities for the students.

Open Forum

Motion to Adjourn: 1st K. Searing, 2nd N. Augunas

Meeting Adjourned: 7:27 pm

Meeting minutes respectfully submitted by Kate Eberline.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 4th @ 6:30 PM


Valentine Ball Photos


Intentional Family Culture