PTO Minutes
MEETING MINUTES – February 4, 2025
Attendees: N. Augunas, M. Borer, T. Clark, M. DeKay, K. Eberline, J. Gaydo, P. Jones, C. Rachetta, J. Randle, L. Rowe,
J. Stach, C. Thomas, N. Walters
Meeting Called to Order: 6:37 PM
Opening Prayer: Nina Walters
Approval of January 2025 Minutes: 1st N. Augunas, 2nd J. Gaydo
Principal’s Report (N. Walters): Open house was a great success, as about 20 families toured the school. As of today, we are just about at capacity. PK4 is full. PK3 and 3rd grade have some room.
Thank you to the Catholic Schools Week committee for a very successful week. Bishop Lucia and the Superintendent greatly enjoyed it. Our school will be featured in The Catholic Sun at some point; either digital or print. I will let parents know.
In terms of security, our windows are filmed. We have one set left to fund, which will be completed this summer. We have a new and updated security system and fire alarms installed. We do have working carbon monoxide detectors in every classroom, kitchen, and cafeteria. Those are inspected, along with the fire alarm system, in November of each year.
Patti Bonesteel will be coming to visit the school on March 20th. She is a children’s author. Book orders will be available soon. Bonesteel Books - Patti Bonesteel
We are in the preliminary stages of discussing a building expansion down the far hallway that was the original intention for the building, according to what was found in the time capsule. This would require a very large capital campaign involving many factors. Please let me know if you have any desire to be on the preliminary committee for building expansion.
Pastor’s Report (Fr. J. Kurgan): Not present.
Treasurer's Report (J. Stach): Everything is coming in under budget this year. We made some money from snow tubing, thanks to the discount that we received. All registrations for the musical are in. We are reworking the budget to reflect the new staff. We might need to look into fundraising to meet all the needs. The basketball concession stand is thriving, we are just lacking volunteers. Auction raffle tickets have started selling. We are looking for people to sell at mass. First check-in: 270 tickets sold since they went home right before Christmas. Of those, 200 were physical and 70 sold online. A gift card went to the top seller, Ella Locke. We will have another prize for the largest February seller. Sponsorships are slowly coming in. There is not much money going out.
Past Business
Open House (M. Borer): The event was much busier than expected. There were a lot of families with a ton of questions. We’re in a hard position because we have very limited space available. This is a direct result of our amazing school, staff, parents, and children.
Catholic Schools Week (M. DeKay): The week was a large success. It was a weird week with the snow day and the Lunar New Year. The Pancake Breakfast went really well. We did something different with service projects – we brought supplies to teachers rather than having them come to the supplies. We packed 50 “Birthday Boxes”. Thank you to Taylor Clark for coordinating the backpacks; we stuffed about 55. We decided to cut back on entertainment because of the significant cost; not sure if the kids missed it. Bowling was a success and the animals were fun. Career Day was amazing. Fr. Foley was incredible, and the kids had many questions. Overall, it was a great week, and the students had fun. Thank you to all the parents that volunteered their time.
Current Business
Basketball Games and Concessions (M. Borer): Games are going great. Kids are adorable and fun to watch them play. Concession stand needs volunteers. Sign Up Here
Sports Banquet – March 2nd (M. Borer): We need a committee to make it happen. There are 72 kids playing basketball and 15 cheerleaders. The event will take place in the gym after 10:30 AM Mass. There will be light refreshments and a slideshow.
Caring Crusaders (T. Clark): There is a meeting tomorrow at 8:00 AM.
Auction Updates (M. Borer): There was a meeting at 5:30 pm this evening. Things are really starting to get going. There will be a Moms Night Out event; looking at end of April or beginning of May.
Valentine’s Day Ball (M. Borer): The event is scheduled for Friday, February 14th. Maria Thurston and Angie Donnelly are co-chairs. Communication has been sent out. It will be a little shorter and during the school day. Parents are invited to attend. Classes each have 30 – 40 minutes. There will be a dance party, desserts, craft table, and more. It is the day before break, so kids will be absent. We are trying to factor in teacher feedback and accommodate every age and grade. Room Parents will contribute and help chaperone. This event replaces class parties. “Dress to Impress” – students may dress up or down. Attire should be appropriate.
International Family Culture with Dr. Matt Davidson (N. Walters): Please consider joining us for Dr. Matt Davidson’s presentation on March 11th. This is the second session of the “Creating an Even More Intentional Family Culture: Developing Faith, Hope, Love- and Resilience”. Wine and cheese reception beforehand starting at 6:30 PM.
Trivia Night (M. Borer): The event is scheduled for March 27th at 6:30 pm. It will be a fun event for parents. Create your own teams of 6-8 players. Come up with a name and RSVP for your group. Each team should bring their own food and drinks for your table. Trivia is 7:00 – 8:00 pm. Bring a bottle of wine or bourbon to donate toward the auction. This would be helpful, but not necessary.
Taste of Holy Cross (M. Borer): Tentatively scheduled for Thursday, April 3rd at 5:30 pm.
Spring After School Activities (T. Clark): We are working around the play schedule; their practices begin on March 17th – Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays. The gym will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So far we have a Science Club, Book Club, and Art Club.
Kids Movie Night (M. Borer): We are looking at dates to bring this fun event back to the school
Musical (N. Walters): Performance dates are the same. Mr. Lynch is in charge. We have hired a helper, Racheal Pugh. She is a LeMoyne student and has done some directing before. Ms. Knapp is still doing the choreography. Brigid Purtell will be doing the costumes.
New PTO dates: Tuesdays - March 4, April 8, May 6, June 3. We will try adding a virtual option to the next meeting.
Motion to Adjourn: 1st C. Rachetta, 2nd P. Jones
Meeting Adjourned: 7:41 PM
Meeting minutes respectfully submitted by Kate Eberline.
Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 4th @ 6:30 PM