For our students, mastering the proper use of technology is akin to learning a new language. It’s not just about keeping up with the times; it’s about equipping students with essential skills for future sucecess. By understanding and effectively utilizing technology, these young learners can unlock a world of knowledge, develop problem solving and critical thinking abilities, and enhance collaboration and teamwork skills that will serve them well throughout their lives. Equally important is that our students know how to use technology safely and responsibly, fostering digital citizenship and protecting them from online dangers.
Each student in grades kindergarten through sixth grade are issued a Chromebook for academic use and testing. These devices are property of Holy Cross School and are to be used for schoolwork only. Students and parents must review and sign the Acceptable Computer Use Agreement provided in this packet before the beginning of the school year. Students will not be issued a device until they review the agreement, and will be liable for any intentional damage to the device that is beyond reasonable wear or manufacturer defect.