Uniform Policy


Our uniform policy is more than a dress code. Our uniform ties together our shared values and faith.  Wearing it fosters belonging and lets students focus on learning alongside their peers. It reflects the values we hold dear: respect, humility, and discipline, all principles that guide our lives and that we find in the image of Jesus. Wearing our uniform with dignity is a responsibility we share–a symbol of our commitment to our faith-filled community and to one another. It’s a constant reminder: we’re not just individuals, but a body of believers united by core standards of conduct working together to achieve incredible outcomes.

Uniforms are required for all students in kindergarten through sixth grade. Please review our uniform policy with your child in preparation for the new school year. Students are expected to adhere to the uniform policy and be in uniform beginning on the first day of school. If a student is out of uniform compliance, there will be an initial parent notification. If necessary, parents will be asked to supply unifrom appropriate dress for their student. Continued violations will result in behavior reports in their school record and be addressed per the student code of conduct.


  1. White Oxford shirt (navy blue tie optional) & navy blue sweater with embroidered logo †

  2. Navy blue polo (short or long sleeve) with embroidered logo

  • Khaki pants or shorts (from accepted uniform store selections)


  1. Hunter/navy plaid jumper or skirt* & white “Peter Pan” collar blouse and navy sweater with embroidered logo †

  2. Navy polo dress* with embroidered logo *Optional white tights/knee socks with jumpers & skirts

  3. Khaki pants, skort, or shorts (top of the knee) with navy blue polo (short or long sleeve) with embroidered logo

  • Simple headbands and hair clips are okay.


  • Shirts must be tucked in at all times.

  • Dark brown or black belt

  • Dark brown or black dress shoes/flats with non-marking sole and white socks

  • GYM DAYS: Holy Cross gym shirt with gray sweatpants or mesh embroidered gym shorts (in warm months) and sneakers.

  • Holy Cross spirit wear sweatshirts may be worn any day as outerwear only.

  • No hats or hoods should be worn inside of the building.

Dress Down Days

  • Dress down days are the last Friday of the month.

  • Cleanliness, propriety, & modesty is expected at all times:  no visible midriff or crop tops; no mini skirts or short shorts / cut or ripped jeans; no clothing with inappropriate sayings or images.

  • For playground and gym safety: Crocs or slippers are not allowed any day.

  • No hats or hoods should be worn inside of the building.

†  Mass Days

  • Please be aware of which days our students will celebrate Mass at Holy Cross Church and have your child dress in their uniform best.




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