PTO Minutes




Attendees: Y. Alamir, H. Alkhouri, M. Borer, K. Byrns, T. Clark, A. Donnelly, N. Dreis, K. Eberline, A. Ferro, K. Groat, T. Heyer, P. Jacob, J. Johnston, P. Jones, J. Kuehner, Fr. J. Kurgan, R. McLoughlin, M. Musolino, T. Perrone, J. Randle, T. Rickert, A. Robinson, K. Searing, J. Stach, I. Tili, M. Tili, N. Walters, A. Ware, J. Wilber 

Meeting Called to Order: 6:37 pm

Approval of June 2024 Minutes: 1st M. Musolino, 2nd K. Groat

Principal’s Report (N. Walters): Thank you to Fr. Kurgan for all of the help with the addition. It was truly a labor of love. It was a lot to go through, but we are so happy with how it turned out. It adds another layer of protection. We also have four new security cameras. Both the principal and security officer can see all cameras on our phones. We can be more mobile with security. Many people donated; we had a phenomenal response. There will be a donor wall to honor anyone that contributed to the project. It’s not too late to donate and get your name on the wall. No amount is too small. Your children would love to see that you had a part in the beautiful addition. 

It is so awesome to see children of alumni attending the school. The new students have been welcomed into the school by their classmates. Thank you all for sending your children to our school.

Pastor’s Report (Fr. J. Kurgan): We just started The Hope Appeal. I am very impressed with our school. We have 189 students, which is great. The addition is beautiful; thank you to all that helped and donated.  

Treasurer's Report (J. Stach): The proposed budget is available for review. It is formatted the same as last year. The first portion is expenses and the second is income. It is broken down into PTO-funded, self-funded, fundraisers, and Caring Crusaders. The first column is the 2024 – 2025 budget. The last two columns show the 2023 – 2024 budget versus actual.  

Budget was approved by a majority vote. 

All reimbursements should be submitted to Jillian Stach. If you are looking to purchase something and need a tax-exempt form, please contact the office ( 

President's Report (M. Borer): N/A

Past Business

Back to School Events (M. Borer): We had quite a few events to celebrate returning to school. Parent Orientation was new and very successful. It was nice to go through items with new parents so they are comfortable at the start of school. Backpack Dropoff also went very well; kids were excited to see their teachers, classrooms, and friends. The first day of school went very smoothly. Parents seemed appreciative of the coffee and donuts. Everyone thought that the new entrance looked beautiful. 

Welcome Back Picnic (M. Borer): The picnic was a big success. It was simple, but everyone had a good time mingling and getting together. 

Building and Security Updates (J. Stach): There are a few items left to complete. This includes the installation of an additional key fob for the gym door entrance. We are also adding another fob for the kitchen entrance. There will soon be an additional video screen in the secretary’s office to monitor the cameras. 

Some of the recent updates include the addition of Officer Lindsey Pienkowski, a two-door system for the front entrance, key fobs, bullet-proof glass, cameras, and speakers throughout the property. 

Current Business

Bylaw Proposed Amendments (M. Borer): To be revised and presented for a majority vote at the October 2024 meeting.  

School Budget (J. Stach): Discussed during Treasurer’s Report. 

New Families (M. Borer): Welcome! The current enrollment is 189 children. We are bursting at the seams, but it’s a good problem to have. It’s lovely to see new families; there are about 30 of them. The increase in enrollment shows how wonderful this environment is. We try to be warm and inclusive. Please feel comfortable to reach out at any time to anyone on the PTO for any assistance. 

VIRTUS Training (M. Borer): Safe environment training is a requirement for volunteering. Each event at the school must have at least two Virtus-certified parents. Click link and register online (Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse Safe Environment Training). Make sure to register for the correct class that you need; either initial training or recertification. Julie Sheridan at Holy Cross Church does regular training, but parents may attend the training at any location.

If you are a new family transferring from a different Catholic school, Jillian Stach has already reached out to the Diocese to check on your certification.

Spirit Sale (M. Borer): The Spirit Sale is up and running. It is provided by the Groat family, who own “Holy Shirt!”. The Groat family has two children at Holy Cross and a third at CBA. A portion of the proceeds are donated back to the school. Items to purchase include uniform- and gym-approved items. They are great to have for the basketball season or to give as Christmas gifts. The sale only happens once a year and ends on Friday, September 27th. A flyer is going home with the students tomorrow and will have a QR code. Or you can order here: Holy Cross School Spirit Sale Webstore

Afterschool Activities (T. Clark): We currently have five activities for the fall that cover different age groups. Flyers went home with students and will also be posted online. Most activities have a limited number of spots available. The deadline to enter is Friday, September 13th. Most clubs are close to being full. Once we have your registration, someone will reach out to confirm your child’s participation. We will need parent volunteers to sign up to be helping hands. It would be nice if each parent could sign up to help for at least one week. Sign up forms will be sent around for that. The PTO is always open to activity ideas. If you know someone or would like to do something yourself, please let us know. 

Again, if you sign your child up, please consider volunteering if you’re able to. We need two adults to supervise every activity. Parents need to make sure that the kids are signed out and go home with the correct parent or to afterschool care. 

Curriculum Night (N. Walters): This is scheduled for Tuesday, September 17th. We invite everyone to come and meet your classroom teacher. It will begin promptly at 6:30 pm and is for parents only. We will be starting in the gym. Nina will speak and then introduce the teachers. There will be two twenty-minute sessions so you can visit multiple classrooms. It goes quickly and will be done by 8:00 pm. The new music teacher, Mr. Lynch, will be there to give information on band.

M. Musolino added that an email is forthcoming to 5th and 6th grade parents as to how to meet both teachers during this event.

Book Fair (T. Clark): Taryn Perrone and Taylor Clark will head the book fair again this year. It will begin on Monday, September 30th and end on Friday, October 4th. It will be held in the library. Additional information will be sent home soon. The children will get to visit the book fair first and make their wish lists. Later in the week, they will get to come back and shop with their class. There are a variety of ways to pay; you can do an e-wallet through Scholastic instead of actual money. Checks and cash are also okay. Parents are welcome to come in and check out the book fair with your child during before school, lunch time, and after school hours. Teachers will also make wish lists in hopes that parents will contribute to their classroom libraries. We will need volunteers. The volunteer list will show when grades will be shopping so you can volunteer to help when your children are there. This event coincides with Special Persons Day.

Special Persons Day (T. Clark): Special Persons Day is scheduled for Friday, October 4th. A volunteer signup form is forthcoming. Your child is invited to bring a special guest; usually a grandparent, aunt, uncle, or adult friend. The guest is invited to join mass beforehand and then come to school. They will meet up with the students in the gym. Refreshments will be provided. Children will do a special presentation in their classrooms. Students are excited to show off their school and the work that they do. 

J. Johnston suggested moving the blessing of the pets to a different day because there is too much happening on one day. N. Walters will consider moving it to the morning of Thursday, October 3rd. 

T. Heyer suggested bringing a picture of your pet or stuffed animal if you don’t have an animal to bring. 

Holy Cross Church Fall Festival (M. Borer): The Fall Festival is scheduled for Sunday, September 22nd. The church does a phenomenal job with this event. The kids love it. There are bounce houses, games, food. N. Walters added that students will be tie-dying their house shirts the week prior to the festival. Parents should look for them coming home bundled up in a plastic bag; they will need to be washed before the event. 

Halloween Events (M. Borer): Trunk or Treat and the Halloween Howl will be combined into one event the evening of Wednesday, October 30th. We will need volunteers to run the event and people to decorate their trunks. There will be an afterparty with treats, games, and fun. The parade and class parties will be during school on Thursday, October 31st. 

Room Parent Changes (M. Borer): Room Parents will be selected in a different manner this year. Parents can sign up to be entered into the Room Parent lottery. Three Room Parents will be picked at random for each grade. There is no lottery for 6th grade Room Parents. The Room Parent responsibilities are clearly delineated within the guidelines that were distributed. If parents are not selected to be Room Parents, they can still reach out about volunteer opportunities. We are hopeful that this new format is more inclusive and allows everyone an equal opportunity to work with their children’s classes. 

K. Searing suggested adding verbiage to the bylaws that specifies that individuals not selected as Room Parents will still have the opportunity to volunteer in their children’s classrooms. M. Borer responded that the revision will be made and presented at the next PTO meeting. 

Committee Chairs and Volunteer Opportunities (M. Borer): A master list of all events and their corresponding chairs has been created. Please review and reach out if there is anything that you’re interested in helping with. We need as many volunteers as possible and are excited to have some new families to help. 

Open Forum

M. Musolino announced that the musical dates had to be changed. The new dates are Thursday, March 20th & Friday, March 21st. The selected musical will be announced at the pep rally. 

J. Stach explained that Pickup Patrol was trialed last school year in haste. This is our first year using it as our main communication website. Every family needs to have an account. If you’re not signed up, please reach out to the front office. Pickup Patrol helps to track absences, leaving early, leaving and returning. Nurse Moltion checks it every morning and relays absence and appointment information to teachers. Jillian Stach checks at cutoff period. We are trying to make it as smooth as possible. If you don’t submit a plan change, the default plan is used. If your plan changes throughout the year, make a change to your default plan. At the end of the day, teachers get an email with any plan changes. Multiple eyes are always checking it. If something comes up last minute, you need to call the school and Jillian Stach will relay to the teachers. 

T. Clark shared that she and Jolie Johnston run the Caring Crusaders program. It is a group made up of 5th and 6th graders that organize community service projects. Registration forms went home this week. The children plan and organize service projects for the entire school to participate in. They try to do a project, big or small, once a month or every other month. The first project will be partnering with CNY Diaper Bank for a collection taking place September 23rd through 27th. It is Diaper Need Awareness Week. The specifics will be in the Sunday email. The founder of CNY Diaper Bank will come to speak to the kids at the first meeting. All Caring Crusader projects serve local organizations. Meetings will take place every other Wednesday from 8:00 am until 8:30 am in the library starting September 25th. 

Tomorrow is the first school mass at 9:15 am. It will be led by the faculty. The students sit with their class in reserved seating. Parents should sit in the middle of the church. 

M. Musolino added that Amanda Murphy, the 1st grade teacher, is collecting clothing for Syracuse City Schools. The students need hand-me-downs for boys and girls. They are requesting sizes 5 through 14. The response has been phenomenal already.

Closing Prayer: Principal Nina Walters

Motion to Adjourn: 1st M. Musolino, 2nd J. Wilber

Meeting Adjourned: 7:50 pm

Meeting minutes respectfully submitted by Kate Eberline. 

Next meeting: Thursday, October 3rd at 6:30 pm


Houses of Holy Cross


PTO Welcome Letter