PTO Welcome Letter
Dear Holy Cross School Families,
Welcome back…I truly hope you all had an enjoyable summer filled with family time and fun in the sun! For those of you who are new to the school, my name is Marisa Borer and I am serving as the PTO President for the 2024-2025 school year. My family has been a part of this wonderful Holy Cross school community for many years now with all of my children having attended at some point. I have four children–Sienna entering 8th grade at CBA, Dylan freshly graduated from Holy Cross and entering 7th grade at CBA, and twins Leo and Luca entering 3rd grade here at Holy Cross. I am excited to work closely with all Holy Cross families and staff members; as a former special education teacher I completely understand and respect the importance of collaboration between teachers and parents.
I also welcome with immense appreciation the other incredible ladies serving with me on this year’s PTO board–Vice President Taylor Clark, Treasurer Jillian Stach and Secretary Kate Eberline. Together we hope to create a warm, welcoming, supportive, inclusive, fun environment for both parents and kids. We have worked together to plan an exciting year for your children and sincerely hope to have new volunteers participate and families attend many events.
The PTO exists to enhance the educational and social environment of Holy Cross as well as support the school’s financial goals. This is accomplished through a variety of activities such as fundraisers, community building events and after-school clubs. The success of these events depends heavily upon your participation, so we invite you to please get involved.
Our first PTO meeting will be held on Thursday, September 12th at 6:30 PM at Holy Cross Church in Yeazel Hall. This meeting will consist of Mrs. Walter’s security enhancement and front entry updates to the school, additional and new school policies. We will also review the PTO calendar of events and discuss upcoming volunteer opportunities, as well. We are in need of some fresh faces to get involved as committee chairs or supporting volunteers for various events. Light refreshments will be served.
We hope you all came, mingled, met new friends and enjoyed the Welcome Back Picnic. It was a truly wonderful night and so nice to see our incredible community come together! Huge thank you to all the staff members and parents that helped make this another amazing and successful Holy Cross event!
And last, but not least...Holy Cross’ PTO is continuing to provide digital communication this year! The current URL is below. This website will serve as a one-stop shop for all things PTO and school related–event descriptions, volunteer sign-ups, RSVP forms, after-school club registration, etc. Please stay tuned as new items are uploaded and also continue to check the Sunday emails each week. In addition, the PTO’s 2024-2025 year-at-a-glance flier went home this summer, I hope everyone got a chance to review it and mark your calendars for all the upcoming fun-filled activities.
password: myhc
Again, on behalf of the PTO board, welcome and welcome back. If Taylor, Kate, Jillian, or I can be of service, please do not hesitate to contact any one of us. We wish you and your Crusader(s) a wonderful year at Holy Cross!
Warm regards and cheers to a wonderful year ahead,
Marisa Borer