PTO Minutes


MEETING MINUTES – December 4, 2024

Attendees: N. Augunas, M. Borer, T. Clark, N. Dreis, P. Jones, J. Randle, J. Stach, N. Walters

Meeting called to order: 6:33 PM

Opening Prayer: N. Walters

Approval of November 2024 minutes: 1st J. Randle, 2nd N. Dreis

Principal’s report (N. Walters): More windows have been filmed further securing the school. The Giving Tree will be going up and will recognize school donors. There will be more opportunities to give and be recognized on the tree. New stainless steel lunch trays are now being used in the cafeteria for hot lunch days.

Pastor’s report: n/a

Treasurer’s report (J. Stach): Accounts are stable. There was not much activity for November. All school events are under budget so far. Basketball/cheer registrations and concession stand sales are incoming.

President’s report (M. Borer): See reports below

Past Business

Poinsettia sale (T.Clark): Thank you to everyone who purchased from school and church. Over $1200 was raised and the Caring Crusaders used the money to purchase Christmas gifts and food for a family of 11 that was identified by Mrs. Murphy’s daughter.

Introductory auction meeting (M. Borer): The theme is Kentucky Derby/Spring Party. Sponsorship letters are ready to go out along with raffle tickets. Solicitation is also underway. If you know of anyone who may be interested in sponsoring or donating and item please contact committee chairs Michelle DeKay or Katie Kilmartin. Please also reach out if you would like to get involved. Next auction meeting is Jan. 9.

Introductory musical meeting (M. Borer): Signups have closed and auditions are happening before break.

Pep Rally/Basketball/Cheer (M. Borer): The Pep Rally was great. Everyone seemed to really enjoy it. The first games were a big success and concessions went well.

Current Business

Basketball/cheerleading schedule (M. Borer): Schedules went out to all teams. Some teams are using an app to communicate.

Basketball concessions (M. Borer): Please sign up to help with the concession stand at hone games. Sign up via this link:

Basketball Spirit Sale (M. Borer): Spirit sale closed out and merchandise is expected to be distributed before break.

Christmas Shops, Fri. Dec. 13 (J. Stach): We are in good shape with lots of donations and many different types of items for the students to pick from. We have about 25 volunteers and anyone can come to help from 9-2. It’s going to be great.

Christmas Concert and Nativity Play, Tues. Dec 17, 6pm (M. Borer): Dress is khaki bottoms and white shirts. Pre-k can dress in their holiday best.

Christmas parties: Thursday Dec 19, 1:30pm

Teacher luncheon: - need class volunteers- Thurs Dec 19, 11am-1pm

Caring Crusaders (T. Clark): All students will decorate meal bags for the Rescue Mission. These bags will be filled with a meal and delivered to those in need Christmas morning.

Catholic Schools Week, Jan 26-31 (M. Borer): CSW Mass is the Sunday before and will be followed by an Open House for potential new families. The week will include bowling for the older grades, family snow tubing, pancake breakfast, career day presentations (reach out if you have an interest in presenting), service projects, and the red and white games on Friday. Please reach out to chairs Tessa Heyer, Jolie Johnston or Michelle DeKay if you would like to help.

Taste of Holy Cross (M. Borer): Will be held in the spring

Valentines Day planning (M. Borer): There will be a Valentines Day Ball held during the school day for students. This will take the place of class parties. It is the hope that room parents will join forces to help with this event. Valentine cards will still be distributed in classrooms before the ball.

Open Forum

J. Stach: There will be a spring book fair 3/29-4/2 with a new company called Ignatius. They offer more faith based books along with other titles, but all books have been vetted and selected by their company.

N. Walters: The Spelling Bee will be held Jan. 10 at 1 p.m. in the gym. This is for those who scored among the top 20 on the written test. Students have study materials. Parents are welcome to attend.

NEXT MEETING: Thursday, January 16, 2024 at 6:30 PM in the school library


Catholic Schools Week


Parochial League