

The school day begins at 8:45 AM and ends at 3:00 PM. All students are expected to be in their classrooms at 8:30 AM for morning announcements and prayer.

Drop-Off & Pickup Procedure

To provide a safe and controlled arrival and departure experience for all students and families, we ask that you strictly follow our parking lot procedures. The parking lot speed limit is 10mph and no car entering the premise should ever exceed this. Please pay incredibly close attention to students unloading from cars and crossing the parking lot. Do not drive around cars that are in line unloading students. Wait until the car is finished unloading and has moved along. Please use the included maps found to understand and follow the flow of traffic.

District Registration / busing

All students attending Holy Cross need to be registered in their resident public school district. If you are unsure if your child is, please reach out to your district office to confirm.

Any families utilizing busing through your home district must make arrangements with your district’s transportation department. Once you have made arrangements, please let our office know.

Note: Anyone in the Syracuse City School District utilizing busing must have Holy Cross submit paperwork, please contact the office before the start of the school year to allow time for this.

Pickup Patrol

If your child will be absent, tardy (arriving after 8:45 AM), or leaving school early, please submit this information in writing through PickUp Patrol.

To setup your PickUp Patrol account, the office will send out a link to all parent email addresses on file. Once you have received the link, you have 72 hours to setup your account. To ensure all parents get a chance to set up their account, setup emails for inactive accounts will be sent out on a recurring basis leading up to the start of the school year.   

Family vacations are not considered excused absences, so work missed during those times may be left to the discretion of the teacher.


Your child must stay home if experiencing any of the following symptoms or conditions and must be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school:

  • fever over 99.6°

  • constant running nose or cough

  • vomiting or diarrhea

If you have any questions, either about an illness or a specific need for your child, please do not hesitate to contact Nurse Moltion.


PTO Welcome Letter


Health Office